Scharlau Basic Chemicals

Most of Scharlau BASIC solvents comply with ACS and will bring a superb quality-price ratio to your laboratory. Conforming to ACS standards, our BASIC solvents will allow dependable results to your analysis at very competitive prices.

Manufacturer:Scharlab S.L.

Country of Origin: Spain

2-Propanol ACS Basic - 4.0 L
Ethanol Absolute ACS basic - 4.0 L
Methanol ACS Basic - 2.5 L
Methanol HPLC Basic - 4.0 L
Sodium Hydroxide, pellets, r.g. BASIC - 5.0 kg
Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous, r.g. BASIC - 1.0 kg
Potassium Hydroxide. Pellets, r.g. BASIC - 1.0 kg, 4.0 kg

SIZE: see brand/model